
Politics of states and regions research

Explore our research in the politics of states and regions

Our research in this area explores national politics and contemporary history in the UK and other countries. It focuses on transnational connections and networks, regional cooperation and integration, social groups and organisations like the European Union.

By improving cooperation with public bodies, like museums, we're also working to help citizens learn about and engage actively with their past and memories of the past – and in doing so, actively shaping their futures.

Through our work, we're aiming to foster citizen engagement in politics, improve the institutional effectiveness and responsiveness of public institutions, and improve the educational experience of students.

Our research in politics is interdisciplinary, and our researchers have a background in comparative politics, European and other Area Studies, public policy, contemporary history and international relations. Our work is regularly published in international peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Common Market Studies, and the Journal of European Public Policy.

Our researchers also publish monographs with leading academic publishers, such as Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan and Routledge.

Our research covers the following topics

  • The transnational dimensions of politics in the UK, Europe, and other world regions
  • Politics of regional integration – for example, within the European Union, European Free Trade Association, and African Union
  • The politics of higher education and innovative pedagogical strategies and tools in the UK and beyond
  • The formation and activities of political and policy networks in the UK, Europe and beyond
  • Research issues in regional cooperation in the European Union and in other regional integration organisations


We use a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, including statistical analysis, social network analysis, document analysis, media discourse analysis, questionnaires, and interviews.

Collaborations and funders

We enjoy collaborative relationships with universities in Europe and beyond, and with political parties, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and major institutions, such as the European Parliament, Brussels, and the Centre for Global Cooperation Research in Duisburg, Germany. We also work closely with public bodies like museums – such as the House of European History museum in Brussels.

Recent projects have been funded by leading funding organisations in the UK and other European countries – including the British Academy, European Union, Norwegian Research Council, German Research Council, and the Dutch Foundation for the History of Technology.

Publication highlights

  • Leucht, B. (2021) "A citizens’ Europe? Consumer and environmental policy" In B. Leucht, and K. Seidel (Eds.), The History of the European Union: Reinventing Postwar Europe

  • Footitt, H. A., Crack, A., and Tesseur, W. (2020) "Development NGOs and Languages: Listening, Power and Inclusion", Palgrave Macmillan

  • McMahon, R., and Kaiser, W. (2021) "Narrative Ju-jitsu: counter-narratives to European union", Journal of Contemporary European Studies

  • Kaiser, W., & Revesz, N. (2022). Strategic leadership in the EU multilevel parliamentary field: the EPP Group’s Erasmus Programme. Comparative European Politics. 

  • Leddy-Owen, C., Dennis, J., and Siklodi, N. (2022) "Slaughterhouse cattle are treated better than this’: exploring the salience of everyday nationhood at British airports", Ethnic and Racial Studies

Discover our areas of expertise

Politics of states and regions is one of our 4 areas of expertise in our Politics and International Relations research area – explore the others below.

Citizenship and civil society

We're exploring aspects of citizenship, including identity politics, questions of sovereignty, and how they impact individuals.

Man having a discussion in front of world map
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Security and defence

We're exploring how we can reduce the impact of war, encourage peace, improve the lives of citizens around the world and create a safer, more peaceful world.

close-up of British army soldier's sleeve insignia
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Global governance

We're addressing the political challenges of the modern world, by analysing how insecurity, conflict and political exclusion form in different regions – and what impacts they make.

Flags of the world against blue sky
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Research groups

Transnational Politics and Society Research Group

We're researching cross-border transnational and supranational dimensions of Europe, the European Union, and the wider world.

Interested in a PhD in Politics & International Development?

Browse our postgraduate research degrees – including PhDs and MPhils – at our Politics and International Development postgraduate research degrees page.